Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cholesterol Test

This post is for those who put stock in cholesterol testing. Now, don't be expecting anything fancy or entertaining, I leave that to my daughter. But, I just have to do a shout out after receiving my cholesterol test. First of all, anyone knowing our family knows high cholesterol is the norm. The first time I had my cholesterol tested, I was 25 and it was over 300 (how far, I'm not saying). So, over the years, I've been doing the testing, seeing high numbers, or low depending on which one. I've had a Dr. tell me years ago, if I wouldn't go on Crestor or Lipitor, he wouldn't be my Dr. anymore. So, I tried it!! So, other than feeling bloated and nauseated, it worked - it went down to 160 in two months time. But, feeling like I was pregnant all the time didn't fly with me, and I went off. Anyway, I will post last years #'s and this years #'s, and let you see something pretty awesome ----- without medication!!
Total cholesterol      HDL        Triglycerides     LDL
2012- 282               43               119                215
2013 - 230              42               64                  175

Granted: there is still some work to be done, but progress is noted!!

Credits: steady exercise 3-4 times a week, at least 20 minutes each time (walk at home videos/treadmill)
Peter D'Adamo blood type diet - eating foods that digest best for my blood type. And anyone knowing me, I wasn't 100% faithful, life is meant to be fun at times!!
Favorite foods: 4-5 eggs a week, Any greens except iceberg lettuce and kale, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, snow peas, LOTS of celery, any kind of squash, turkey, chicken, salmon, grapefruit, pineapple, all different kinds of berries. Grains were very limited - oats, rice, quinoa, a little millet. I try to limit my wheat to when we are visiting someone and its offered. I eat alot of nuts, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds. The oils I use are olive, flax, grapeseed and almond oil. I use alot of butter, and some coconut oil (which I don't handle well in large amounts). I eat very little processed foods - its best in its original form! And ABSOLUTELY nothing that is labeled low fat!!!
I still believe there is alot more to this picture than just cholesterol numbers. There is a great book out that is called "The Cholesterol Myth" by Dr. Stephan Sinatra.

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